My name is Cristina and I’m a PA. This is how I present myself, with my name and my profession, which is part of me in an innate way. Jobs are done, professions are loved.
For some years, I dedicated myself to the hotel sector, always searching for the part closest to dealing with the client. It seemed impossible to me, to simply do a role, listen, repeat, nod and do what was expected of me. Little by little, I got in touch with more exclusive contacts, in the sense of dealing with high demanding profiles. There I really saw how the price is not only the size of the product or contracted service, but the attention and dedication that the professional shows. I offered time, dedication and a good experience! I always wanted more, to be more useful to clients, to assist them in everything necessary. I was able to do this and still enjoy it at Alberta La Grup.
Without specific training (it does not exist) I was forging the skills and abilities necessary… Every day you learn!